lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014


If you thought I had forgotten about the boys, you were were SO wrong. Men in my country don't take style too seriously, or even a part of their professional life. But men in other parts of the world, such as Europe, do put a little thought on what they wear, even if its just for a little bit; and that thought goes a long way. Nowadays, men need to include fashion and style into their every day life because it has become a key part to ones success, and it shouldn't surprise you, since you have never seen a highly successful guy in rags (except for the ones that turn into hippies).

[Blue hues and denim are your best friends all year round, be sure to pair them with something that stands out, that way you'll look stylish and posh]

So here are a few examples from the same contributor of last time, Edgar Llorden, my amazing AMAZING buddy that keeps on sending me these perfect examples of street style for men. So take a seat and get inspired. And if you start feeling pressured to have a make over or to start dressing up a little bit, then my will has been done. Because a raggedy style doesn't transmit that you're a "mans man" it just says "I'm too lazy to take care of myself" and we don't want the ladies (or gentlemen) to feel that, right?

 [Either looking sharp all in black, or mixing in some earth tones, make sure to make smart choices for the shapes and fits. Oversized coats are not something to be proud of, show your best side and have fun]

 PS: If you see yourself on this post, or someone you know, let me know and I'll link your FB, BLOGS, TW, IG, VINE, YOUTUBE or whatever social network you want in here. Thank you so much for your cooperation boys, you are inspiring people all around the globe with your awesome choices.


miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014


Very often we see street style with people in ludicrous outfits with absolutely no street credit. Most of them depict the same kind of person with an elevated position in fashion or with brand clothing. Magazines show us these images of perfection which most of the time we can't achieve, because at the end of the day, we are regular people, that need to go to school or work in certain outfits. 

We could put the minimum effort on these garments that mean nothing to people without the fashion eye, and just stroll around life like robots, but there's certain people that actually make a difference, by putting thought on their looks and that way inspiring people that probably didn't have the guts to do them themselves. These people are the ones that inspire real fashion, the ones that breathe the trends and exhale style. 

[Sticks and stones may break my bones, but skulls and prints excite me.]

 [Big chunky scarves are amazing complements to a great cold weather outfit, or just to keep your neck warm on those cold summer nights]

 Through these pictures taken by my dear friend Edgar Llorden in finland, we can explore a different kind of street style. One that is very free and careless but nevertheless very stylish and beautiful. For this first post we explore the style of the girls up in there. Sporting current and past trends in the most fashionably possible manner. 

These women extraordinaire, express themselves through clothes and exude only the best vibes in the world. I could say that people like these make the world a better place. So sit, watch, relax and get inspired by them.This first part is women inspiration, but wait until you see part two!

[Awesome boots are always stylish and get the attention, and don't forget to accesorize!]

 [Hats and animal prints are always statement pieces, that can go beyond trends and forecasts, pair them with neutrals and make them the statement piece of your look]

 PS: If you see yourself on this post, or someone you know, let me know and I'll link your FB, BLOGS, TW, IG, VINE, YOUTUBE or whatever social network you want in here. Thank you so much for your cooperation, you truly are the girls of today and the great women of tomorrow. <3